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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Home Alone--- Sorta

Well, let's talk about the past week.
On Monday, Columbus Day, My Mom and Joe took off for Florida for an 8 day vacation, So Grandma is staying at my house with me for the duration. I can do most tasks by myself, but I still need that occassional assistance. It's not enough assistance to require paying for a home health aide, but enough to warrant someone stay in the house with me, mostly during the night and the morning hours getting ready for work. Some of those things are: being around when I am taking a shower in the a.m.( just in case I channel the 'I've fallen and I can't get up' lady), and helping me to and from my car just in case the weather is bad, Sometimes even driving me, Not because I am afraid to drive in bad weather- I am just as good/bad as the next guy on the road- It's when I get out of the car into the elements that the issues usually start; Putting my crutch down on an icy patch or a wet floor, and walking against the wind!( if a stranger saw me walking into the building with my belongings- Pocketbook, lunch bag and backpack- against even the mildest wind and rain, They'd swear I was drunk! ) Anyway, back to the week-- The first few days were o.k. because I had work to take up much of the day but the weekend gets kinda nuts, you see I like to be by myself; hang out on the'puter and watch the 'tele' but people feel I need to be entertained. I rarely get phone calls from relatives, but as soon as Mom is away it's: ' wanna go to a movie?', 'to dinner?,' How 'bout I come over and watch tv?'. Don't get me wrong I like the people offering but i'd just as soon stay home alone with my thoughts. So far so good, last night I did my Weekend ritual for my bowels and I haven't had any problems-YET! Not that I plan on having any, but it's always in the back of my mind. Mom always did the major clean ups and I don't want gram to have to so I'm doing the best I can. grandma feels when I go to do something myself It's because I don't want her to do it. that's not totally true, I just want to see how much I can do myself before I ask, and so far so good!! Anyway that's all I have for now I am about to play cards with Gram. She keeps beating me!!!