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Monday, May 31, 2010

Runnin' on empty

  OK, so the other day I went to work and after had to go to a union meeting. when I got to there, I looked at my gas gauge and I saw that it only had 4 dots!!  this is how I judge whether or not to get gas, mom and I figured out that each dot is a gallon-- anyway,  I had all  intentions of going home after the meeting and telling my mother but of course I got side-tracked and forgot!! well, the next morning mom went out to turn my car around (17 years experience and I still can't back out of our driveway) and she noticed that my gas was low.  i said that i meant to tell her and forgot. She said not to worry that i had enough to get to work and she'd get me gas when I got home; So off to work I went.
 Well, I got as far as the turn before Motor Parkway and panic set in, . Now, I don't know how many of you have noticed in your travels, but there are not many Full Service gas stations around these days, so when I saw a one I decided it's now or never and turned off the Service Road to get gas. So I'm sitting outside in my car and not an attendant to be found, so I had to ask someone heading in to the store to get one for me, and he so nicely informed me that this was a self serve island. So I had to go through the edited version of how a disabled individual can get their gas pumped at a self serve price. Anyway the man finally came out and of course I was parked in front of a pump that was out of order, so I had to maneuver to another pump --back up turn the wheeel, pull forward .!.repeat!( this was an interesting experience) I got the gas, called work to say I may be late, and was on my way. No sooner was I on the main road  did I realize my trunk was open. ( I did this when trying to open the gas tank.!) not to panic up ahead at a red light  I saw construction workers; I rolled down my window and asked the guy to close my trunk. then proceeded. Well, I got to work with time to spare, and called my mom and told her about my experience.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A day out Shopping --(WITHOUT my mother)

Last weekend,  my mom and Joe were doing yard work to prepare for the upcoming Mother's Day Brunch, my aunt called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to the movies  or just take a ride around since it was such a beautiful day; after thinking I said let's take a ride. When in the car, I remembered that I needed new sneakers for the summer so we decided to go out east to Tanger Outlets in Riverhead where they have SAS shoes.. this store is good because it carries shoes in wide widths ( DOUBLE wide to be exact) and they supposedly came out with a new sneaker. So Aunt Patti and I went inside and it was very busy.  I asked about the new sneakers and the sales person measured my feet and brought a pair out.I put them on my feet(after a bit of a tug-of-war with a shoehorn and the sales lady), got up out of the chair and walked around when I looked in the mirror, my feet looked HUGE , (and not in a good way)I didn't want to make a rash decision so I walked up and down the store for a while, but in the end I wasn't too crazy about them. That is when the lady said that she had the same pair of shoes I had on-- SAS Free Time-- in White ( the pair I had on were beige.) so she went to get them. I put them on and, again, walked around the store, looking in the mirror... I loved them .A white shoe that had support and looked like a summer sneaker; a win!!... I thought. I turned to my aunt and said I like them but,  I can hear my mother now saying 'why did you get another pair of shoes? I told you to buy sneakers.' well, my aunt said she liked them, and I should make my own decision. (Imagine that make my own decision at ONLY 44 years old ,lol!). So I bought them and out the door I went. When in the car driving home my cell rang and it was my mother I told her that we went to the outlets and without asking me she said "Oh, I wish I'd known, you could've bought your sneakers there"  and I said " year it's too bad... oh well- (WINK WINK) when i hung up I told My Aunt what she said and we both laughed.Then we decided to get an ice cream at Friendly's and while we were there I bought a Chicken Caesar Salad since Mom said she didn't know what to make for dinner. On the way home my aunt wanted to stop at a farm stand to get fresh eggplant, we stopped at two before a farmer said they were not in season (BUMMER). so we just drove back to my place. I said to my aunt,   'Don't mention my new sneakers see if my mother notices them'. When we got back to my place Mom and Joe were working in the back yard I called her over and started talking seeing if she'd notice. she didn't, so I pointed them out and, wouldn't you know it, my Mother had a hissy fit!!!  
'I tried to explain that I tried on the sneakers but they didn't look good,and that the shoes were different. because they were white. She wasn't buying that and said now we have to go all the way back to Riverhead to return them and get the 'RIGHT ONES'!! I just looked at my aunt who tried to stick up for me but to no avail and rolled my eyes. we said goodbye and she took off.-- with my wheelchair still  in her trunk--  so she turned around and came back and talked with my mother, I decided not to stick around and went into the computer room. a little while later mom came in and looked at my shoes and said 'Oh wow they ARE white' ....DUH!... and did her nervous giggle .When I said 'now do you feel dumb yelling?',she started to make up some story that she really believed that  I was joking and I had my same shoes on that I  left with and that she was playing along she would've never yelled at me if she thought i was serious (Yeah right!!) Well, in the end we made up as we usually do after the scolding and everything is back to normal!! Can't wait until the next outing!