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Monday, April 26, 2010

It's a crappy job but someone's gotta do it

I don't want to alarm anyone I just want to share my experiences. I have never been regular from 'Day 1' . I was mostly constipated. i was on everything imaginable ( senokot, citric of magnesia, suppositories, senna tea) nothing worked. when i was 14 i went to a school where my nerves were shot, I started having like a colitis. and one day found myself in the girl's room crying because my bowels let loose big time. when i started to try daily laxatives, i could not hold my bowels and I would go anywhere at any time. i Didn't have any sort of regular routine. then in 1987 when i started work, i I would use a laxative on the weekends. i still had some acidents during the week in the beginning. but now, 22 years of persistence later, what i do is take a combination of laxatives ( what i affectionately call my 'BOMB') on friday or saturday night, It works me through the night and most of the next day. I don't make any plans for that day but it is worth it. It cleans me out enough that i can go the whole week without an accident and my body is so used to it now that i don't feel sick and I can go to work without any worry. this solution is not for everyone, but it works for me!!